It’s been almost a constant for me lately. I just feel an urgency to do things that matter and stop wasting time on things that don’t mean as much to me. So, why is it then, ironically, I end up doing some things that I consider barely productive when I am struggling to prioritize my miles-long To-Do list? I get overwhelmed and just give up?
I think I may have found something that will finally help me keep track of my highest priorities. The questions that I can answer whenever I feel inundated (see my last post, “What Matters Most?”) seem to really be helping me narrow down my true priorities.
Whenever I feel confused, I go answer the questions again. I keep the answers on my computer so they are all in one place and I can review my answers from other occasions. It seems to be working for me. I can see patterns and I am starting to repeat some of my highest priorities regularly so now I can tell which things are most important to me.
I am sure some people don’t need this kind of repetition. I’m jealous! But I’m not one of those people and I need to find what works for me. Luckily, this repetition works for my brain. I am quite excited! I am starting to feel like I KNOW where I want to focus my energy and time. It’s easier to REMEMBER what is important to me because I’m going over it again and again. And I can better see WHY it’s important to me. It’s even easier to pull myself back from distractions.
So far anyway, it seems to be helping me. I will continue working on this and be back with more updates.